RV sewer hose with support

Top RV Sewer Hose Support Tips for Maintenance and Troubleshooting

As an avid RVer, I’ve learned that the little things can make a huge difference in the camping experience. Take RV sewer hose supports, for example. They might not be the most glamorous accessory in your setup, but they’re essential for maintaining a clean and functional waste management system.

These handy supports keep your sewer hose off the ground, ensuring an uninterrupted flow and reducing the risk of punctures or damage. They’re not just a convenience; many RV parks require them. Plus, they can even help create a P-trap effect, mimicking home plumbing efficiency.

TL;DR: RV sewer hose supports are a must-have for any camper looking to keep their waste management system flowing smoothly and meeting park regulations. They’re simple, effective, and can save you from a messy situation.

What is an RV sewer hose support?

An RV sewer hose support is an essential gadget in my arsenal whenever I hit the road in my camper. Imagine a sturdy structure crafted to elevate the hose off the ground, ensuring smooth, uninterrupted flow of waste from the RV to the sewage disposal system. These supports are indispensable in creating efficient waste drainage similar to residential sewage setups, and they protect the hose from environmental harms like punctures and degradation.

Benefits of Using an RV Sewer Hose Support

I’ve learned that keeping my sewer hose supported has a plethora of upsides. Firstly, it promotes a clean campsite by elevating the hose away from dirt and potential contaminants. This cleanliness factor isn’t just pleasant aesthetically; it’s also a health concern. By having an RV sewer hose support, I’m also guarding against the crushing blows from accidental steps, vehicle tires, or even a misplaced weed eater. Here are some compelling reasons to invest in this simple yet effective tool:

  • Uninterrupted Flow: Supports ensure there’s a smooth path for waste, preventing stagnation and backflow issues.
  • Durability: By preventing the hose from dragging across surfaces, supports extend the life of the hose.
  • Compliance with Rules: Many RV parks now mandate that hoses be kept off the ground, and having a support ensures I’m following regulations.
  • Convenience: Most designs are user-friendly, making setup and teardown quick and straightforward.

Types of RV Sewer Hose Supports

When it comes to types, diversity reigns. Some are made of plastic while others are constructed from aluminum, each offering different advantages. Plastic models, such as the Camco Sidewinder, are lauded for their lightweight design and flexibility, allowing for easy manipulation around obstacles. They can be expanded or contracted much like an accordion, a feature that’s convenient for storage and adjustment to the length of my sewer hose.

Aluminum supports prove to be robust and often have a sleek finish. Their solid construction assures stability and a certain longevity that some RVers might prefer. A standout feature with these is the resistance to corrosion—aluminum fares well even in various weather conditions.

Whether opting for a plastic or aluminum RV sewer hose support, I look for models that can accommodate the length of my hose. Typically, a 20-foot support is a solid standard, but options for 10 or 15 feet are available for those with shorter needs. Features such as a carrying handle for portability and a gradual slope design for optimal drainage are aspects I can’t overlook.

Diving into each type, it’s apparent that no matter the preference, there’s a sewer hose support tailored to fit the requirements of most campers, including myself. With this accessory in place, the peace of mind that comes with a clean, efficient waste disposal process is undeniable.

How to choose the right RV sewer hose support?

RV sewer hose support with extra hose
RV Sewer Hose Support with too much hose for proper use

Considerations for Selecting an RV Sewer Hose Support

When it’s time to select the right RV sewer hose support, there are several factors to consider that ensure I get the most out of my purchase. Durability is vital; I always look for materials that can withstand various weather conditions without corroding. Plastic and aluminum are popular choices for their resistance to rust and overall longevity.

The length of the support is another crucial aspect. It should be at least as long as my hose to provide adequate support. I’ve seen supports ranging from 10 to 30 feet, and choosing the correct size prevents sagging and ensures a smooth flow of waste. A gradual slope design is essential for the same reason—it aids in the effective flow of waste material, helping to prevent blockages.

Ease of use is also a top priority for me. A good hose support should be simple to set up and compact enough for convenient storage. Weight plays a part here—I prefer a lightweight support that doesn’t add too much bulk to my RV’s storage compartments. Some models come with a carrying handle, which is a plus for easy maneuverability.

Finally, the design’s flexibility matters. I like a support with a design that allows for curves and angles, so I can easily navigate around obstacles and maintain a secure connection at the RV park.

When I’m browsing for an RV sewer hose support, I tend to look at reputable brands known for quality. Camco is one such brand that stands out, especially with their Sidewinder RV sewer hose support. Their products boast robust construction and user-friendly design, making them a top choice among RVers. They offer a variety of lengths, and the accordion-style build means I can adjust it to fit the specific needs of my campsite.

Another noteworthy name in the market is Valterra with their Slunky support line. Like Camco, Valterra focuses on ease of use and durability but also adds unique features to its supports that cater to different customer needs.

Choosing the right brand and model comes down to my specific requirements, such as the duration of my stay, the type of terrain at the campsite, and how often I’ll be moving the support. Whether I opt for a lightweight plastic model or a sturdier aluminum one, the goal remains the same: a clean, efficient, and hassle-free waste management process for my RV.

How to use an RV sewer hose support?

RVing brings joy and the spirit of adventure into our lives, but it also comes with its unique set of chores. Ensuring that the waste management system works smoothly is one of them. Let’s look at how to best use an RV sewer hose support to prevent hose damage and leakage.

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up and Using an RV Sewer Hose Support

Preparing the Site and Materials

Before we dive into the installation process, it’s crucial to gather all necessary materials and prepare the disposal site. Verify that my RV sewer hose and support length are compatible, aiming for a 20-foot standard length, although some situations may permit a shorter support.

  1. Inspect the Area: Check for uneven terrain where I’d be running the hose. Identify the RV sewer connection outlet and the ground waste hole.
  2. Lay Out the Support: Take the support, and stretch it out from the RV outlet to the disposal site. It should form an even slope without any low points that might trap waste.

Positioning the Hose

Positioning the hose correctly on the support will guarantee a seamless waste disposal experience.

  1. Place the Sewer Hose: Carefully lay my hose on top of the support. They usually have deep cradles or a half-pipe design to keep the hose secure.
  2. Secure the Hose: If the support comes with straps or clips, use them to ensure the hose doesn’t shift or fall off during use.
  3. Adjust for Slope: Manipulate the support slightly to form a P-trap, which helps in preventing backflow and odor.

Ensuring Durability and Cleanliness

Protecting the sewer hose from damage and keeping it clean are paramount. The support, either plastic or aluminum, should have a design to withstand regular use and nature’s elements.

  • Check for Sturdiness: After the hose is positioned, I give it a gentle shake to ensure everything is stable.
  • Use Stakes: If the product includes stakes, I stake down the support to keep it from moving. This step is vital on windy days or uneven ground.

Final Touches for Usage

Once everything looks good and is stable, it’s time to connect the hose to the RV outlet and the disposal inlet.

  1. Connect the Fittings: Make sure the fittings are tight and leak-proof. Always double-check to avoid any accidental spill

Maintenance tips for an RV sewer hose support

Maintaining your RV sewer hose support is crucial for extending its lifespan and ensuring that it performs as expected during your travels. Proper care involves regular cleaning as well as appropriate storage methods. By carrying out these simple tasks, you’ll prevent the accumulation of residues and potential damage over time.

Cleaning and Storage of an RV Sewer Hose Support

I’ve learned that cleaning your RV sewer hose support doesn’t have to be a daunting task. It’s vital to keep it clean to prevent odors and to make storage less unpleasant. Usually, a quick hose down with water after each use is enough to remove any debris or waste particles. If it’s particularly dirty, a mild soap and a brush can be used for a more thorough clean.

After cleaning, make sure the support is completely dry before storage. This step is essential to prevent mold and mildew growth, which can weaken other materials. When it comes to storing the support, I’ve found that keeping it in a dedicated storage bag or container helps protect it from the elements and keeps it organized alongside other RV accessories.

Storage tips:

  • Ensure the support is dry before folding it up.
  • Store in a cool, dry place to avoid any material degradation.
  • Adequately secure it to prevent it from unfurling unexpectedly.

Common Issues with RV Sewer Hose Supports and How to Troubleshoot Them

Even the most durable RV sewer hose supports can encounter problems. One of the most common issues is cracking, especially if the support is made from plastic and regularly exposed to sunlight or extreme temperatures. If you find a crack, it’s best to replace the support to avoid any mishaps. Small cracks can sometimes be temporarily fixed with a strong adhesive designed for plastic, but this shouldn’t be considered a long-term solution.

Another issue you might come across is the sagging of the hose support. It usually means the support is not properly positioned or it’s carrying too much weight. Ensuring even weight distribution and correct positioning, according to the manufacturer’s guidelines, often resolves this. For additional reinforcement, stakes or ties can provide extra stability.

If the support’s moving parts stop functioning, like an accordion mechanism that won’t expand or contract, there’s usually dirt or debris caught in the tracks. A good cleaning should free up the movement. When all else fails, a silicone-based lubricant designed for plastics can help get things sliding smoothly again.

  • Inspect for cracks and replace if necessary.
  • Re-position and evenly distribute weight to prevent sagging.
  • Clean moving parts and use appropriate lubricant when needed.

Regular maintenance of your RV sewer hose support isn’t simply about aesthetics—it’s about functionality and safety. By staying proactive with these maintenance tips, I’ve been able to keep my sewer hose support in top condition, ready for every adventure that lies ahead.


Taking care of your RV sewer hose support is crucial for a hassle-free camping experience. I’ve shared some essential maintenance tips that’ll help you avoid common problems and extend the life of your equipment. Remember, a little effort goes a long way in ensuring your system functions smoothly and remains hygienic. Safe travels and happy camping!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are all RV sewer hoses the same?

No, RV sewer hoses vary in length and flexibility, with some campsites requiring longer hoses than others. The ideal length varies depending on the situation.

How do you connect PVC pipe to RV sewer?

To connect PVC pipe to an RV sewer, you will need the correct PVC adapters and glue specifically designed for PVC pipes. Ensure a secure and leak-proof connection by following the product instructions.

How do you connect RV sewer hoses together?

Connect RV sewer hoses together by using the fittings at the end of each hose. Ensure that the fittings are snug and secure to prevent leaks. Use hose supporters to maintain a proper flow.

How often should you replace RV sewer hose?

Replace your RV sewer hose every 24-36 months, depending on how full-time you travel. Always keep a backup hose for emergencies or longer-than-expected distances.

Are there different sizes of RV sewer hoses?

Yes, RV sewer hoses are available in various lengths, typically ranging from 10 to 25 feet. Adapters can connect multiple hoses for additional length as needed.

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